Confirm Our Availability
Click here to check and confirm our availability.
Proceed to the instructions below once we confirm our availability for your date.
Submit Your Deposit
You should only make your deposit payment once we have confirmed our availability for your date.
Deposits may be paid via check or money order to the address on the Contact Us page, or via credit/debit card using the button below. If you mail your deposit please send us notification immediately, thank you.
Resonation Wedding Day Edition Special ~ Our all-inclusive ceremony and reception package includes 6 event hours: $1295.00 USD
Resonation Package Special ~ Our all-inclusive celebration package includes 4 event hours: $995.00 USD
Reso Stage II Package ~ Our mid-tier celebration package includes 3 event hours: $795.00 USD
Installment Payment on Your Existing Event Booking $100.00 USD
Complete The Questionnaire
Now that your booking is complete we can move on to the preparations! In the interest of serving you and your guests, please take some time to complete the following questionnaire concerning your specific tastes and needs.
Click here to access the questionnaire.
Guest Requests
If you would like to provide your guests an opportunity to make requests we would be happy to receive them!
- Simply provide your guests with the address to our web site: www.Resonation.Events,
- Instruct them to find and click on your event in the Upcoming Events widget on the side of the page,
- Then leave their requests, complete with artist and title, in the comment box at the bottom of the event details page.
Click here to view an example of an event detail page and its comment box.
While our music library is vast, this will ensure that we don’t have as great a chance of disappointing anyone. Of course, requests will be accepted the date of your event as well; because, we always intend to accommodate everyone to the best of our team’s abilities!